We would always recommend you to download the latest version available on our official website LuckyPatcer.com.in and remain updated. Because we continuously work for your privacy, security and better user experience. We also cannot ignore the reason that some of the Android devices are not smoothly running the Lucky Patcher App Latest version so our users want to install and use the old versions as they are also safe and secure.

No need to worry, if you are downloading any of the old versions as they are also safe and secure. If at any point you want to update the version to the latest then you will see an update option in the app to make it the latest one. This app is a unique one that is used to modify any other app or game available on the Google Play Store.

Old Versions of Lucky Patcher App

Lucky Patcher, Lucky Patcher APK, Lucky Patcher Download, Lucky Patcher App

What is updated in version 11.4.4:

  • Fixed bugs;
  • Updated Translations.

What is updated in version 11.4.3:

  • Fixed boot loop for Android patches for Android 14;
  • Updated Translations.

What is updated in version 11.4.1:

  • Corrected Vietnamese Translation.

What is updated in version 11.3.8:

  • Fixed Proxy server for Google Play.
  • Updated Translations.

What is updated in version 11.3.3:

  • Updated Translations.
  • Added “Copy signature from installed app” for resign with original signature.

What is updated in version 11.2.9:

  • Updated Translations.
  • Fixed Bugs.

What is updated in version 10.9.9:

  • Updated Translations.
  • Fixed Bugs.

What is updated in version 10.9.7:

  • Fixed Bugs for “Fake a modified APK archive from the original”.

What is updated in version 10.7.8:

  • Fixed FC for custom patches engines.
  • Updated translations.

What is updated in version 10.7.7:

  • Fixed integration updates for some apps.

What is updated in version 10.7.5:

  • Fixed delete empty backups folder.
  • Added group operations “Backup app settings for selected apps”.
  • Updated translations.

What is updated in version 10.7.2:

  • Added icon for desktop (for random name).